New Film ‘Really Happy Someday’ Premieres at TIFF, Shares a Powerful Story of Finding Your True Self

A trans man struggles to find his voice and identity after starting his transition

Really Happy Someday
Really Happy Someday

A new movie called Really Happy Someday, directed by J Stevens, is about to make its big debut at the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF).

The film is looking for a company to distribute it to theaters. It stars actors like Breton Lalama, Khadijah Roberts-Abdullah, Xavier Lopez, and Ali Garrison, and tells an important story about a person named Z trying to understand and accept who they truly are.

In the movie, Z (played by Breton Lalama) used to be a musical theater star before starting their transition from female to male. They’ve been taking testosterone for a year and are finally feeling comfortable in their body. But there’s a big problem: Z is losing control of their singing voice.

This makes it hard for Z to find work as a singer, which was a huge part of their life. Z’s longtime partner, Danielle (played by Khadijah Roberts-Abdullah), is also struggling, feeling like Z has changed so much that she’s losing the person she fell in love with.

To make ends meet, Z gets a job as a bartender. Their new boss, Santi (played by Xavier Lopez), encourages Z to keep going after their dreams. Z also starts working with a singing teacher named Shelly (played by Ali Garrison), hoping to learn how to use their new voice and get their confidence back.

The movie is really special because it talks about something not many people know about — how a person’s voice can change when they transition, especially for transgender men. Director J Stevens is very proud of the movie and excited to show it at TIFF.

He said that after all the hard work the cast and crew put into the film, having it premiere at such a big festival is a huge honor. Stevens hopes the film helps people understand and appreciate the experiences of those in the 2SLGBTQ+ community.

Breton Lalama, who plays Z, also helped write the script and produce the film. While playing the role, Lalama realized a lot about his own identity and what kind of person he wants to be. He said the experience of playing Z helped him better understand some of the hardest parts of his own transition and gave him tools to live more confidently.

Behind the scenes, the movie was made by a crew that included many gender-diverse and queer people. Director J Stevens said this made the set feel very supportive. “It was amazing to be in a place where everyone understood each other, and you didn’t have to explain who you are every day. It made me feel like the future is full of possibilities,” Stevens said.

Lalama also hopes that the movie will help start conversations about transgender issues, especially about how voices change when people transition. He believes that the more people learn about these experiences, the less scared they will be, which can lead to less hate and more understanding.

Lalama also hopes that transgender people who watch the movie will feel seen and validated, knowing that their stories matter.

Really Happy Someday is more than just a movie about someone changing. It’s a story about discovering who you are, learning to trust yourself, and finding your voice — in every sense of the word. With its premiere at TIFF, the film hopes to inspire audiences and make a lasting impact.

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