Radhika Vekaria, once unable to speak due to a speech impediment, found her voice through music and is now a Grammy nominee.

Radhika Vekaria is a singer who once struggled to even speak, but today, her voice resonates across the world. This year, she has been nominated for a Grammy Award for her new album Warriors of Light. This is a monumental achievement for her.
When Radhika Vekaria was young, she faced significant difficulties in speaking. She couldn’t even pronounce her own name properly. This led to numerous challenges in school, where she was often teased by her peers. She shared, “I couldn’t express myself, so I started staying silent.”
But within that silence, she discovered something profound—she could sing! When she sang, she felt no barriers. Gradually, she realized that music could help improve her speech.
Radhika told PEOPLE Magazine Exclusive that when music has melody and rhythm, it relaxes the mind and body. This creates new neural pathways in the brain, making it easier to speak. She said, “Singing gives me a sense of freedom.”
As she grew older, she began singing the same mantras and tunes she had sung as a child. This had a transformative effect—her speech issues gradually improved. Today, she speaks effortlessly and shares her message on global stages.
In 2020, Radhika released her debut album, Sapta: The Seven Ways. It was widely appreciated, and following its success, she became the first mantra singer to perform at the prestigious SXSW music festival in the USA in 2022.
Now, her second album, Warriors of Light, has been nominated for a Grammy Award. This album features songs in Sanskrit, Hindi, Tamil, and English. It is unique because it blends ancient mantras with contemporary emotions, creating a powerful musical experience.
Radhika believes her music offers inner peace and strength to listeners. She said, “You can listen to this album in any order. If you seek peace, listen to one side, and if you want to feel empowered, listen to the other.”
Her song “Liberate” is based on the idea that everyone questions their life at some point. But these very questions give us the strength to move forward.
Whenever Radhika faced difficulties, she turned to mantras for solace. She hopes her music can help others in the same way. She said, “Whenever I faced challenges, I would sing my songs, and it brought me peace. Now, I want to give that same peace and strength to others.”
Today, she is not just a singer but an inspiration to millions. Her story teaches us that if we let go of our fears and recognize our strengths, we can achieve our dreams.